This past summer JCWC was able to work with a local artist, Danielle DeMuro, to create a watershed nature scene on the shipping container that holds our restoration tools. When JCWC moved from our old office in Milwaukie into the Woodstock location, we purchased an old shipping container and located it next to Errol Heights where it soon was covered with graffiti.

Then along came Danielle! She is a student at Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), where she studies Art and Ecology. As part of a class project she wanted to work with an environmental nonprofit and paint a mural that would both showcase nature and help educate the community. And did we have a big need for that! At PNCA she heard good things about JCWC from some of our prior interns – it’s good to have friends in the right places.
After 40 hours and over 70 cans of spray paint, and some interesting challenges like painting on a container that isn’t a flat surface and is 8 feet high by 40 feet wide, also don’t forget the wind factor – no easy task. But Danielle was up to the challenge and she will continue to provide any maintenance for the next 2 years as part of the funding agreement with Regional Arts & Culture Council’s Public Art Murals program where she received $2,000 towards this project, which includes an anti-graffiti coating for the mural.

For me, I had the most fun with a sharpie tracing the whole design on the container using a projector at night! We are so happy that Danielle painted such a cool picture and hope that you can stop by and see if for yourself sometime.