We are super-excited to welcome this year’s AmeriCorps team! The National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) is an AmeriCorps program for 18- to 24-year-olds, who work in teams on a variety of projects all across the country. This will be the sixth NCCC team JCWC has hosted; like past teams, this year’s crew of 10 will be working on our riparian program, removing invasive plants and planting native vegetation, as well as helping out with running volunteer events and working with school groups on field trips. The crew will also perform service at Camp Namanu, a Camp Fire camp outside of Sandy, where they will be living during their stay in the area. You’ll be hearing from the team about their feats and exploits in future e-bulletins; for now, let’s give a hearty Johnson Creek welcome to the Blue 7 crew!