Welcome Speak Creek Interns

Big Welcome to Melanie and Theresa! Were excited to have you on board

Theresa Huang
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Speak Creek Bilingual Intern
Johnson Creek Watershed Council

My name is Theresa (she/hers) and I am the Speak Creek Intern for the Johnson Creek Watershed Council. I spent my childhood in Taiwan and have been in Portland for the past 14 years. I love the city for its natural beauty that makes it very distinct from the rest of the world and also for its close relation with nature. I discovered my love for the environment during high school and have been pursuing my passion in the environmental field since then. I strengthened my background in environmental studies through my undergraduate studies at the University of Oregon and decided to study urban planning at Portland State University to help bring nature back into cities and bridge the gap between people and nature. I am excited to work with Johnson Creek Watershed Council as a Speak Creek Intern to help connect the Council to the Chinese community and to promote the missions of the organization and help make changes to restore our environment.

Please feel free to contact me at SpeakCreek@jcwc.org for any questions and potential partnerships with Johnson Creek Watershed Council.

大家好,我的名字是Theresa (郁潔),是Johnson Creek 分水嶺委員會的雙語實習生。我在台灣度過了我的童年時光,目前已在奧勒岡生活了14年。波特蘭是我深愛的一個城市,因為它有別於世界上其他地方的自然景色,也因為這城市與自然有著密切友好的關係。我對自然環境的熱情始於我高中時期,並且從那時候開始就開始了我對環境領域工作的追求。我大學畢業於奧勒岡大學的環境學系,之後決定繼續在波特蘭州立大學念都市計畫好讓我把自然環境帶回城市裡變成城市的一部分來縮短現代人與自然環境之間的距離。這次很榮幸能成為Johnson Creek 分水嶺委員會的一員來幫助委員會向波特蘭的華人社區傳達我們的理念(為什麼環境很重要)以及帶來能保護我們的環境的改變。

 若您有任何問題或欲與Johnson Creek 分水嶺委員會合作,歡迎大家寄信到SpeakCreek@jcwc.org給我。

大家好,我的名字是Theresa (郁洁),是Johnson Creek 分水岭委员会的双语实习生。我在台湾度过了我的童年时光,目前已在奥勒冈生活了14年。波特兰是我深爱的一个城市,因为它有别于世界上其他地方的自然景色,也因为这城市与自然有着密切友好的关係。我对自然环境的热情始于我高中时期,并且从那时候开始就开始了我对环境领域工作的追求。我大学毕业于奥勒冈大学的环境学系,之后决定继续在波特兰州立大学念都市计画好让我把自然环境带回城市裡变成城市的一部分来缩短现代人与自然环境之间的距离。这次很荣幸能成为Johnson Creek 分水岭委员会的一员来帮助委员会向波特兰的华人社区传达我们的理念(为什麽环境很重要)以及带来能保护我们的环境的改变。

 若您有任何问题或欲与Johnson Creek 分水岭委员会合作,欢迎大家寄信到SpeakCreek@jcwc.org给我。

Melanie Yudin
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Speak Creek Bilingual Intern
Johnson Creek Watershed Council

My name is Melanie Yudin and I am seventeen years old. I go to Spring Mountain Christan Academy. I am the lead guitar player for the worship team. My goal after highschool is to go to Clackamas Community College for two years and then transfer to Portland State University, finish up with a bachelors in Business and a minor in Real Estate. I am very excited to be working with Johnson Creek watershed to help the slavic community to be more engaged in environmental education, outdoor access and teach the community about Johnson Creek. I am very excited to develop leadership and community outreach skills and be educating and interacting deeply within my community.

Меня зовут Мелана Юдин и мне семнадцать лет. Это мой последний учебный год в школе Spring Mountain Christian Academy. После окончания школы, я мечтаю поступить в колледж, а затем перевестись в Portland State University.   Я очень рада работать с водоразделом Johnson Creek watershed , чтобы помочь славянскому сообществу быть более вовлеченным в экологическое образование, открытый доступ и рассказать сообществу об Джонсон Крик. Моя цель, развить лидерские качества и навыки работы со славянским обществом.

Thank you to Meyer Memorial Trust and East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District for funding for the Speak Creek program .

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