We are Working Hard for You!!

Johnson Creek Watershed Council is very busy behind the scenes putting together new projects and programs that we are super excited to share with the community. Read on for more information about our restoration, riparian, and community science programs. Stay tuned for more ways to join us!

Riparian Program: Brookside Apartments

Johnson Creek in Milwaukie is getting a makeover! A large apartment complex on Johnson Creek, as well as several industrial properties across the creek from the apartments, have signed on to JCWC’s CreekCare program, which offers free revegetation work to private streamside landowners in the Johnson Creek watershed. These properties together cover about ¼ mile of both sides of the creek, providing a great opportunity to improve riparian habitat and connectivity in this heavily urbanized stretch of Johnson Creek.

Restoration Program: Confluence Project

The Johnson Creek Confluence Large Wood Project is moving forward! JCWC has selected a consulting firm to survey, model, and start developing the designs for large wood structures at the confluence with the Willamette River for the benefit of both lower and upper Willamette salmon and steelhead. Large wood structures create more diverse habitat, benefiting the ecological food chain from microorganisms to large predators. Large wood slows stream flow and creates pools for salmon to rest in cool water and hide from predators. These resting pools are especially important at the confluence because lower Johnson Creek is a cold water refuge relative to the Willamette River, and just this past fall a City of Milwaukie staff member saw salmon resting in this project area! We’re hoping that once the project is completed salmon sightings at the confluence will be even more common. The project will likely be constructed in 2024, keep an eye out for updates!

Community Science: Salmon and Amphibian Programs

This year we are so excited to welcome back volunteer Salmon Surveyors. After being unable to engage with volunteers last year we cannot wait to welcome you back. Training will take place in October and volunteers will spend the season wading through the creek looking for adult salmon, carcasses, and redds. We are also excited to offer volunteer Amphibian Egg Mass Surveys starting in January. Although this program is not new to the area it is new to the Watershed Council! Keep an eye out for orientation dates!

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