Wayne Siebenaler

Date of volunteer work: 07/07/2016.
Site Name: Mitchell Creek.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Species removed: blackberry.
Estimated percent cover before removal30.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed20.

I returned to weed blackberries at Mitchell Creek just nine days after having last been there. I didn’t make it out during the month of May, and so I intended to make up my time during the month of July.

I continued weeding blackberries along the west side of the dry creek bed, working towards the road. There wasn’t nearly as much truck traffic as there was the last time I was out. However, I did talk to someone who lives in the area. We discussed the issue of illegal dumping; he told me he has caught perpetrators in the act.

Later, when I drove up Vrandenburg Road, I saw that the pile of junk that I had encountered the previous week had been removed. Meanwhile, I found a fresh dump pile. I apologize for frequently writing about the illegal dumping, but it is a big, on-going problem at Mitchell Creek.


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