
Date of volunteer work: 12/29/2016.
Site Name: Mitchell Cree.
Number of hours worked: 1.75.
Species removed: Armenian Blackberry; English Ivy; Foxglove; Holly.
Estimated percent cover before removal2%.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed25.

Thirty-six degrees and foggy when I arrived at Mitchell Creek. I continued uprooting blackberries that had been missed during previous trips. The blackberries are easy to spot this time of year – as they and the sword ferns are the only winter flora covering the forest floor in this particular area. I also found and uprooted a few holly, ivy, and foxglove plants.

Before leaving for home, I drove up Vrandenburg Road where I spotted several piles of yard debris dumped along the roadside.

That’s all I have to report from Mitchell Creek for this year!

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