
Date of volunteer work: 10/29/2016.
Site Name: Mitchell Creek.
Number of hours worked: 3.
Species removed: blackberry, ivy, vinca.
Estimated percent cover before removal90.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed125.

Finally, a day without rain! Very pleasant afternoon. Maple leaves drifting down from the branches overhead as I returned to work looping the large blackberry thicket. The ground was very saturated and so I was able to uproot some of the canes. Two hours of looping and uprooting and the task of tackling the thicket was now completed.

I spent the next hour hauling tires out of the creek and stacking them on the roadside for RID to haul off. I used a large crowbar to drag the tires up the steep hillside – but it was a lot more strenuous than I had anticipated.

Mitchell Creek is frequently used by miscreants to dump their junk. Today, while hauling up tires, I discovered a most unusual item had been dumped in the creek. I won’t say what just yet because it is currently being investigated by the Portland police.

Frog pic taken June, 2015


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