Watershed Hiro (And other heroes)!

No, that’s not a typo: For the month of January, Hirozumi Kobayashi—“Hiro” for short—did an internship through the Pacific International Academy, serving twice per week at the Johnson Creek Watershed Council. Hiro worked with JCWC staff to help plant trees and remove invasive plants, focusing mainly on the Council’s office. With Hiro’s help, we removed all the blackberries from around our parking area, and most of what was growing along the bank of Johnson Creek. And, when he wasn’t helping JCWC, he was working his other internship at the ReBuilding Center doing more good work. Thank you, Hiro, for all your time and energy!

We weren’t able to secure an AmeriCorps team this winter, since so many of them are doing vital disaster relief work; however, we’re lucky enough to have a whole crew of Riparian Restoration Interns serving with us for the next couple of months! They’ll be helping with this winter’s planting efforts in the upper watershed, as well as clearing invasive plants from sites for future plantings. Thank you, Riparian Interns!

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