Watershed Discovery Day!

Just south of the Johnson Creek and Willamette River confluence is Kellogg Creek Park. Johnson Creek Watershed Council along with Clackamas Water Environment Services, World Salmon Council, SOLVE, Depave, and Bob’s Redmill were at the park on Saturday, June 10th for the Watershed Discovery Day event to care for and learn about watersheds. 

It was a beautiful morning to gather with staff from SOLVE and volunteers to clean up the area around the park. Volunteers found a lot of small trash that eventually finds its way into the creeks and rivers when not picked up. 

Those that attended the event after the clean up received a “passport” to visit all of the booths in the park. Each booth had information about how to care for the watershed and a fun activity. You could spin for a prize, play the game “what should or shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet”, plant seeds, guess how much trash was in a jar, and even go through a salmon obstacle course. While the kids enjoyed the activities and learned how they could be good stewards of watersheds, adults had the opportunity to have fun and learn too. 

Thank you to everyone who came out and cleaned up the watershed and learned multiple ways of being good watershed stewards while having fun.

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