Thank you 2022 Watershed Wide Volunteers!

This place-loving community has done it again! For the 24th year in a row, volunteers young and old gathered on the first Saturday in March to pitch in for salmon, climate change, and community building in the Johnson Creek Watershed!

Hats off to you, each and every one!

271 people gathered on Saturday March 5 to plant, mulch, and weed our way to a healthier watershed together.

BING-Planted 5060 native plants, including trees, shrubs, forbs, and wetland plants.

BANG-mulched thousands of plants

BOOM-Removed about an acre of invasive species and all told, we put in the work for habitat enhancement on 4 acres total

So many groups! 

Two youth from AYCO (the African Youth and Community Organization) led a mindfulness and planting event for their peers at the Leach Botanical Garden.

Eddy Morales (Gresham City Councilor) and lots of other folks from the Latinx community attended our event led in Spanish at Main City Park.

Other groups that came to share in the fun were the Mount Tabor Scouts, Portland General Electric, OTAK, Treecology, the Clackamas County Men’s Treatment Facility, SWCA Environmental Consultants, Emerald View Neighborhood, Friends of Tideman Johnson, Brown and Caldwell, and Portland’s very fun 30-somethings single meetup group. 

We absolutely couldn’t do this work without the support of our partners and funders–  the Mintkeski Family Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, Portland Parks and Recreation, City of Gresham, the African Youth and Community Organization, Treecology, Emerald View Neighborhood, Friends of Tideman Johnson, Clackamas Water Environment Services, Portland General Electric, the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services, East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District, Crystal Springs Partnership, Leach Garden Friends, Friends of Trees, Americold, and Umpqua Bank.

If you came to help- let us know what you thought- please fill out our volunteer survey HERE.

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