Tee Shirt Contest Winner 2020: Leila Pyle

A big thank you goes out to all of the artists who submitted work for this years Tee shirt contest. Leilia’s artwork will be featured on the Tee shirts for the Johnson Creek Clean up August 22nd. We had some really strong submissions this year and want to thank everyone who sent in artwork.

The 2020 winner is Leilia Pyle! Read on about her background and how to see more of her artwork (besides the tee shirts at the event).

Leila Pyle is an artist and educator who is passionate about helping connect people to the land they live on and raising awareness about and celebrating this through her art. Though originally from Kodiak, Alaska, Leila formed a connection with Johnson Creek after moving to Portland as a young adult and studying at Reed College. There she learned about the important watershed she was a part of, the amazing life that lives in and around the creek, and the critical role that the community continues to play in restoring and caring for the watershed.

While at Reed, Leila also worked with the school’s environmental club to help continue the tradition of Canyon Day, which brings the community together around the restoration of the waters on Reed’s campus that flow into Johnson Creek. Leila has been so inspired by the work this community does that in her final year at Reed her senior art thesis was about salmon in the Pacific Northwest, the unfortunate threats they face and the people that are working to care for them, and the incredible symbol they are of the interconnection between people and place. Her art proudly featured the work and story of Johnson Creek. Now living back in Alaska, Leila continues to advocate for salmon and other environmental issues and share these stories through her art.

You can follow Leila’s art online at Rainy Rabbit Art on Facebook and Instagram @RainyRabbitArt.

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