Sue Hayes

Date of volunteer work: 03/31/2017.
Site Name: Johnson Creek Park.
Number of hours worked: 2.0.
Species removed: clematis/blackberry.
Estimated percent cover before removal80 clematis/20 blackberry.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed70 clematis/80 blackberry.

I wanted to check on the flat area in the north part of the park first. There was a large tent set up. When i got home, i sent an email to the appropriate people provided in the handbook. Then I went more to the south end of the park to check on the plants that had been planted in January by groups of volunteers. They were looking good! An osprey was flying around (they have a nest by the Springwater) and landed in a tree. I headed to the area I’ve been working on since last year, and the first thing i noticed was the red-flowering currant. Last year it was completely entangled in a thick mess of clematis and blackberries. This year, upright and gorgeous. I went to work on the opposite side of the path removing clematis and blackberry from young trees. A few new starts were coming up in the area now that there is more light, but i’m not sure what they are. I took pictures and will keep an eye on them. I also yellow flagged some fig buttercup. The only down side of the day was when two large, unleashed dogs came barking and running towards me. I just stood there and they kept their distance but kept barking. I didn’t see the owner but someone was yelling for them to come back and eventually they did. I don’t think they were associated with the tent that was there. Possibly a worker in the area or there was a truck parked nearby that someone could have been living in. In any event, I was glad I was wearing a bright, neon vest a friend had giving me making me more visible since i’m usually in brown.

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