Sue Hayes

Date of volunteer work: 02/01/2018.
Site Name: Johnson Creek Park (east).
Number of hours worked: 1.5.
Field notes:

I wanted to get out early to pick up the trash I hadn’t gotten to when I was there in January. I used an empty 5-gallon paint bucket that was there to collect everything, and left it, along with a few other items, at the concrete barrier at the end of Clatsop. I walked through a few of the former camps and found orange syringe caps here and there but no needles. I made my way down to the creek and pulled an old, rusty bumper from the bank and hauled it back to where I’d left the other trash. I am happy to report that since the last camp sweep and trash clean up, followed by the massive clearing of brush at the north end, no one has returned to stay. I’ve included a picture of a wrought iron bench frame (that is securely rooted in the ground) that is located on the bank of the creek. I’d never seen before!

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