Sue Hayes

Date of volunteer work: 01/25/2018.
Site Name: Tideman Johnson.
Number of hours worked: 1.45.

I started the visit from the parking lot and headed west, then took the side loop towards the boardwalk area. There was a shopping cart with clothing in and around it and trash (including a mattress) just beyond the cart below the Springwater. To the left of the boardwalk area was a tree with clothing hanging from it. I encountered 3 separate people, all walking dogs and all dogs off leash, one in the sensitive area. I continued up the path towards the Tenino hill and walked the lower path down to the creek and under the Springwater. The underpass was pretty clear of trash! I made my way under the fence and walked the muddy path between Johnson Creek and low, black, chain link fence all the way back to the boardwalk. I’m sad to report the area between the loop and the chain link fence has at least 4 camps and a lot of trash and clothing hanging all over the place the more you walk away from the Springwater. Besides all of that, it was actually a beautiful morning…many birds and the creek running swift and high.

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