
Date of volunteer work: 04/22/2018.
Site Name: Brannen Property.
Number of hours worked: 2.5.
Field notes:

Today I met with a dedicated group of volunteers of the Crystal Springs Partnership at the Brannen Property. First, Mary Ann took us on a walkabout of the property and talked about her recent meeting with Susan and Christian from PP&R and plans for some weed control and mulching, specifically on the west side between the fence and S.E. 21st. Next, we focused on weed removal, mulching, and a little pruning of the south parking strip and the walk through area just north of the sidewalk. One passerby stopped to talk about a salmon he’d seen in the Springs in 2015! The Brannen Property is a well tended, beautiful, little neighborhood area made so by the wonderful people who dedicate their time, talents and energy to keep Crystal Springs inviting to native habitat and the people who live nearby.

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