
Date of volunteer work: 03/07/2018.
Site Name: Johnson Creek Park (east).
Number of hours worked: 2.0.
Field notes:

A Milwaukie police car was the first thing I saw when I drove down Clatsop. I think this is the third time I’ve been to JCP east this year and each time a police car has been cruising by. He rolled down his window and I told him where I was heading to make sure everything was ok. It was. There was a large pile of debris just outside the park that looked like some clearing had occurred or someone else dropped off a pile of yard debris. I headed to the north end of the park where it was obvious there has been day use since the last time I was there (and a reminder that my decision to not wear shoes in the house 25 years ago was a good one). I had a large trash bag with me and my grabbers and got to the business of cleaning up the trash I could. I headed to the middle section and noticed a small clump of fig buttercup (photo) but, overall, saw a lot less than in the last two years. I made my way to the open area to the south and noticed the trash from Tallahatchie Bridge of the Springwater had been cleaned up. Fantastic! One tree, where a person (or people) had been living last year, had a number of orange caps and one syringe which I deposited in my bio hazard box. The ducks were quacking, the birds singing, and some of the plantings from January 2017 are starting to get buds or leaves.

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