
Date of volunteer work: 05/31/2017.
Site Name: Hayes.
Number of hours worked: 1.5.
Species removed: none.
Estimated percent cover before removal0.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed0.

Contrary to popular belief, not every visit of a park steward has the glamour and allure of removing blackberry canes the size of a baby’s leg or becoming so entangled in clematis the steward must cut their way out. Trying to find and identify garlic mustard at the end of May is…not going to happen for a while. Sometimes the park steward has to deal with what’s “left behind.” Last week while I was there, I noticed a lot of debris left under a tree. I contacted Susan to arrange to get one of those grabber sticks and we met this morning before a group of middle school volunteers arrived to mulch what had been planted in January. It was a beautiful morning and here are before and after pictures plus one bee.

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