Scott Kelly

Date of volunteer work: 06/01/2016.
Site Name: Johnson Creek Park.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Species removed: Blackberry, clematis.
Estimated percent cover before removal50% blackberry, 50% clematis.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed100 sf blackberry, 100 sf clematis.

Worked in my little hidden paradise on the north end between the creek and the power lines. I freed one large alder and a few smaller trees from the smothering blackberries and clematis, which seem to find a way to reach up and grab onto low-hanging branches. The whole time I was working I could hear, and occasionally see school kids on some sort of nature field trip along the other side of the creek (“Oh, look! A crayfish!). It’s nice knowing potential future park stewards are learning about nature.

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