Scott Kelly

Date of volunteer work: 02/26/2016.
Site Name: Johnson Creek Park.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Species removed: Blackberry, Clematis.
Estimated percent cover before removal50% Blackberry, 30% Clematis.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed200 total both species.

I attacked a bramble of blackberry and clematis on the north end of Area 2 close to the creek. Lots of old vines had been buried by the silts from the December floods and were rooting. I pulled out some long strings of both clematis and blackberry, and cut and pulled down some blackberry vines that had reached the canopy of some native trees. Pulled out the root wads where I could. Picked up a bag’s worth of small garbage around the site before I left, but there is a lot more, including a tent and camp chair that I left. Realized a couple holes in the fingers of my old leather gloves were problematic so I walked over to the hardware store in the afternoon and bought a nice new pair. Looking forward to trying them out in the same area soon.

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