The 4th Annual Johnson Creek Science Symposium was held at Reed College on October 16, 2018.  Twelve speakers presented 12-minute talks in one of four sessions: Water Temperature, Fish & Wildlife, Flooding & Floodplains, Land & Ecosystem Services.

Symposium program with speaker abstracts and bios

Presentation TitlePresenter NamePresenter Agency

Are all dams created equal? Comparison of the effects of Human and Beaver Dams in Johnson Creek in Gresham
Katie HolzerCity of Gresham
Influence of beaver ponds on water temperatures in Errol CreekJulia BondPortland Bureau of Environmental Services
Hydrologic trends of streamflow and temperature in the Johnson Creek WatershedEmma BrennemanPortland State University
Monitoring ESA-protected species in the Johnson Creek watershed using eDNAMelissa BrownPortland Bureau of Environmental Services
Beaver Surveys in Johnson Creek: three years of dam dataChuck LobdellJohnson Creek Watershed Council
Salmon Sanctuaries in PortlandRonda FastPortland Bureau of Environmental Services
Floodplain Designation and Property Sale Prices in an Urban WatershedNoelwah NetusilReed College
Hydraulic Modeling of Johnson Creek in the East Lents AreaGary WolffOTAK
Oxbow Scour RepairAli YoungPortland Bureau of Environmental Services

Equitably Growing the Urban Forest
Vivek ShandasPortland State University
Legacy Landfills in the Johnson Creek WatershedHeather KuoppamakiOregon Department of Environmental Quality
Metro’s Land Acquisition Strategy in the Upper Johnson Creek WatershedJonathan SollMetro
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