Join us for a Science Talk and Earth Day Work Party!

April is a busy month here at Johnson Creek Watershed Council! It’s also National Volunteer Month. We’re so grateful for our amazing volunteer base, and are happy to be able to invite you to both work parties as well as a fun educational event this month.

The first part of April saw a Restorative Nature talk with Buddhist monk Bhante Kovida, and a work party with Friends of Tideman Johnson. Here’s what we have going on for the rest!

-Science Talk: Rain in an Urban Jungle! (Tues 4/17, 6:30-7:30pm at Libbie’s Restaurant – 11056 SE Main St, Milwaukie – near MAX Orange line)
-Work Party and Earth Day with Friends of Errol Heights (Sat 4/21, 9am-noon at Errol Heights Park)
-Earth Day AND World Fish Migration Day with JCWC and City of Gresham (Sun 4/22, at two Gresham locations – Wisteria Ln and 7th St Bridge!)

Stay tuned for another Science Talk in early May, and more great events!


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