Urban Watershed Mentors Training with Tryon Creek Watershed Council

Interested in attending in-depth trainings on conservation planning and implementing a restoration plan with your new skills? Become an Urban Watershed Mentor! This highly popular program is offered by West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District and its partners.

Students receive an intensive training program including a 21 hour field and classroom component and a 25 hour service project to learn how to develop and implement conservation plans. The plans address invasive plant control, native plant establishment, stormwater management and wildlife enhancements. Following the training, students become part of a network of community volunteer leaders who then work with new volunteers to double the restoration impact in the community. As the network grows more and more conservation work will be possible through this program.

The trainings will be held on three Saturdays in 2015, all from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the 4th floor conference rooms at Montgomery Park, 2701 NW Vaughn Street.The dates are February 7, March 7 and April 11.

Guest instructors to date include:

Maria Cahill, GreenGirl Land Development Solutions

Danny Kapsch, Portland Bureau of Environmental Services

Nikkie West, Backyard Habitat Certification Program/Audubon Society of Portland

Quintin Bauer, SOLVE

The cost of the training program is $30 and some scholarships are available.

To register visit: http://www.wmswcd.org/content.Urban-Watershed-Mentors-Training.

This program is highly popular and registration is limited to 30 people, so you’re encouraged to sign up at their earliest convenience. For information on the program, please contact West Multnomah SWCD Urban Conservationist Mary Logalbo at mary@wmswcd.org

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