Mitch Schneiter

Date of volunteer work: 04/18/2018.
Site Name: Indian Creek Natural Area.
Number of hours worked: 1.
Field notes:

I entered Indian Creek Natural Area by crossing the creek and heading up the trail to the top of the waterfall and up into the woods above. White, Pink, and Purple Trillium is in full bloom in the woods there. I headed south through the upper section and then down into the open area. I then saw a coyote moving through the area and he saw me. I followed him as he headed east then west through the woods, the coyote stopping to turn and look at me every so often. As he moved through the woods at one point he startled a deer in the bushes which bounded off and away. A awesome day at Indian Creek! And while there were a few pieces of trash here and there it is mostly trash free.

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