Mitch Schneiter

Date of volunteer work: 07/25/2018.
Site Name: Indian Creek Natural Area.
Number of hours worked: 0.5.
Field notes:

I visited Indian Creek Natural Area this morning hoping to catch another view of the 5 point buck I spotted a few days ago. Unfortunately no sign of the deer but I did see a number of illegal campers.
The first ones I encountered were right at the grassy area along the creek. A couple was sleeping there in blankets and sleeping bags, right next to the No Camping sign.
I came upon another camp up the main trail into the Natural Area. 2 tents were set up in the flat space next to the boulders off to the right of that trail. I reported both sites to the Park Rangers.
I also noted the 2 sites on the east side I identified last visit were still there. Nobody was around and things looked untouched since my previous visit so I’m assuming they have been abandoned and plan to clean them up next time I’m picking up trash there.

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