Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 11/18/2016.
Site Name: Errol Heights.
Number of hours worked: 3.
Species removed: Clematis.
Estimated percent cover before removal60.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed200.

With the leaves off of the trees, it’s easier to see where the clematis is running into the canopy. I spent my time pulling vines out of the canopy, rescuing the plants which were being puled down to the ground. I cut off the vines as close to the ground as practical. Digging out the roots needs to be done, but for now tree rescue and diminishing the canopy needed to be done.
I also monitored the beaver/nutria activity, which continues to expand. The western dam grows in height and length. The nutria are at least as active in building these dams, but there is a lot of larger material that the beaver bring.
Winter will bring more water, and changes. Fun to watch it.

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