Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 07/08/2016.
Site Name: Errol Heights.
Number of hours worked: 3.
Species removed: Nightshade, clematis.
Estimated percent cover before removal60, 20.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed200, 100.

I’ve been slowly working on reducing the footprint of nightshade in the wetland, but this time mostly focused on getting it off of shrubs before it made the leap to the canopies, Same for the clematis. The nightshade has not come back where I removed it from the pond last year, so that’s promising. The southern part of the site is getting harder to get into, as the water is getting deeper (thanks, beavers!).
Clematis is found in the drier areas, so it can be dug out eventually; now just trying to keep it from pulling down trees. The area by the spring pond is pretty clear, thanks mostly to the Friends group.
The beaver dams are getting more extensive, and more of them, so this is turning into more wetland than woodland.
Always an interesting day here, and close to home.


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