Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 10/18/2018.
Site Name: Erroll Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

Entered from 45th street side and watched the ducks on the pond. Lots of wood ducks remain, along with the mallards. Leaves are turning color, not much leaf fall yet. It appears the beavers are stocking up for winter, lots of bark-stripped trees are down. I hope they don’t eat themselves out of a home! Nutria are also busy, shoring up the minor ponds and creating causeways.
The debris from the tent camper is gone, and the site is recovering. I pulled down some ivy that was starting up some trees, and found yet another patch of clematis climbing into some firs. I pulled the vines and clipped them back so other plants didn’t use it as a ladder into the trees.
A lovely day, as shown by the nice woodland view.

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