Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 10/10/2018.
Site Name: Erroll Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

Lovely fall day to walk the trails at Erroll Heights. Leaves turning color but not falling yet. Rose hips are coloring up and snowberry is fattening. Lots of birds still about; I spotted a flicker, and this handsome pair of wood ducks.
The tent site near the bridge has been cleared, but some debris remains. A rug remnant was too large for one person, maybe a group can get it out.
Pond water levels are the same, but it appears they are beefing up the old dams to improve livability. There’s a good beaver trail over western dam towards 45th street, and cameras show continued activity. Coyotes, raccoons and deer are frequent visitors.

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