Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 07/06/2018.
Site Name: Erroll Heights.
Number of hours worked: 3.
Field notes:

Entering from the 45th Street side, one can easily see the new beaver dam in the Erroll Creek channel. A small dam, but the ducks are enjoying the algae-free water. Most of the large western pond is covered in algae and duckweed, not very attractive.
I spent some time removing a group of clematis plants in the northwest corner among the cottonwoods.They had been cut back, but they are now re-sprouting. The spray program from a couple weeks ago is having a good effect, but there is more invasive thistle coming up.
The spring pond is still nice, home to a new duck family. In the brush I spotted a green heron eyeing the baby ducks. I took more information for the National Phenology Network (Natures Notebook), as fruit drops from berry plants and snowberry fruit begins to set. I’m tracking ninebark, snowberry, Indian plum, salmonberry and elderberry at this location.

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