Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 08/10/2017.
Site Name: Errol Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Species removed: Canada thistle.
Estimated percent cover before removal80.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed200.

Not too hot today. I had found a patch of Canada thistle in a dry patch by the ponds. Dug out as much as possible and topped the rest to prevent seed set. I also looked at the nightshade spread. Its taking over some of the spring pond, running over the nettles, so will need to be addressed. I also found that the upper pond (easternmost) is high and the flow has overtopped the berm that seoarates it from the main pond. First time this has happened. Now that water is flowing over the berm, nightshade is taking this area as well. Ill need to clear this to keep the berm passable.
Continued progress by the beavs on the western boundary shows additional waterways and tree fall. Intersting to see where this is going.

I have pics but the attachment is not working.

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