Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 03/22/2016.
Site Name: Errol Heights.
Number of hours worked: 3.
Species removed: Clematis, nightshade.
Estimated percent cover before removal30,80.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed100,400.

Notes from my March visit. Nightshade was just leafing out and trees were bare, making it easy to spot. I mostly worked in the “island” on the south side of the middle pond. I’m not sure how long this island will last, as the water level continues to rise. I raked a lot of nightshade out of the pond so it wouldn’t continue to spread. I also pulled a lot out of small trees and shrubs, and removed the climbing path into the upper branches. I also removed a big patch of nightshade near the bridge that was overwhelming some trees there and spreading into the creek. Clematis was also leafing out and I removed a lot of small vines near the spring pond.
Lots of beaver activity continued, a cottonwood tree over two feet in daimeter was felled into the pond; I first noticed chewing on this a few weeks ago and now the job is done.

Photos By Trail Camera
Photos By Trail Camera
Photos By Trail Camera

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