Melissa Ribner

Date of volunteer work: 05/31/2022.
Site Name: JCP.
Number of hours worked: 1.5.
Field notes:

Lots of wild flowers and overgrown grass and very little litter. I didn’t see any wildlife. We took one large cardboard box home for recycling. There is an overturned shopping cart by JC and a chair in the creek nearby (pic). There is a stroller parked under a big cedar (?) by the street bordering the west side of the park (toward the south- see pic). There is a camper parked behind another camper that has been there for months. It looks like they share a generator (pic). The space on the east side of JC looked ok- very overgrown so I didn’t go in too far. Also, there is a fallen tree blocking the path on the West Bank of JC (pic).

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