Melissa Ribner

Date of volunteer work: 12/31/2021.
Site Name: JCP.
Number of hours worked: 1.5.
Field notes:

I’m sorry for the delayed reporting of my visit.
The birds were very chipper this morning. No ducks, however. Although I didn’t spot needles, I saw 2 orange caps, so probably needle activity took place recently.
There were 2 campers and 1 car that had an abandoned look about it (see pics). The camper at the end of the street has been there for at least 2 months. I also took a picture of a camper parked beside Crystal Springs Creek at the little rewilded park on the corner of Umatilla and 21st (see pic).
On the east side of JC, a quick spot check looked like there was very little activity in that area.

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