Lora Martin

Date of volunteer work: 09/17/2016.
Site Name: Foster Floodplain.
Number of hours worked: 1.5.
Species removed: Himalayan blackberry.
Estimated percent cover before removal20.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed?.

Began as usual just picking up trash in the parking lot, by the bridge, and then along the paved path. Approximately one small plastic bag. However, there was a pile of garbage next to the port-a-potty that was too much for my bag, I believe there is someone from Portland Parks who will take care of that. Saw several of the yellow forms from them regarding no camping in several places as I walked.
I pulled random blackberry that were adjacent to the path, and then started to pull some new ivy growth from beneath some pine trees that I had previously cleared this year. I quickly left that area after getting two wasp stings. I guess they had wanted to find a place out of the wet.
I finished up by pulling more random blackberry plants in an area I had cleared last year. The wasp stings persuaded me to cut my time short.

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