Lora Martin

Date of volunteer work: 07/24/2016.
Site Name: Foster Floodplain.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Species removed: teasel.
Estimated percent cover before removal40.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed10.

I began my time as usual collecting garbage in the lot and by the old bridge, about a small bag’s worth. Then I took care of a small stand of teasel that was off the path. I know there are many areas here where it is pretty widespread, but I figured to get at least this small area free. I did a check of previous areas, looking for more small areas of teasel. On my way back, I found a large pile of garbage behind a tree, so I dug out my heavy-duty garbage bag and put it all in there. Either it’s the same one, or a new one, but there was another grocery cart near the path that I put this bag in and left for pickup.

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