Lora Martin

Date of volunteer work: 06/25/2016.
Site Name: Foster Floodplain.
Number of hours worked: 2.50.
Species removed: Teasel.
Estimated percent cover before removal80% for teasel.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed5 feet?.

As usual, I started out getting a garbage bag full from the old bridge area, and found an unusual item – a broken set of handcuffs (?). Then I met up with Chris at the place we had removed the wire fencing last month and finished that up, digging up some of the ivy that had been attached around the fence.

Heading back, we circled by the pond and found that it is dry right now. Near there we discovered a couple of small teasel stands, and removed most of it. We then discovered a huge spread of it on the west side of the creek, and obviously spreading further west. I emailed Susan and Emily on suggestions of how to deal with them.

A grocery cart was conveniently[ 🙂 ] left by the side of the walking path, and I used it to load up some garbage that had been left in the area, and wheeled it back to the parking lot.

Beautiful day to be out in the field!

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