Lora Martin

Date of volunteer work: 04/23/2016.
Site Name: Foster Floodplain.
Number of hours worked: 2.25.
Species removed: Scots Broom, Poison Hemlock.
Estimated percent cover before removal?.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed4 Scots broom plants, 12(?) poinson hemlock plants.

Picked up a bag of garbage from the old bridge area and parking lot. I was able to finally remove as much of the old wire fence as possible from the willow area I’d been working on the last few times. Chris joined me as I was working on removing a second fence from a nearby area and we were able to remove that one as well.

We then walked the perimeter of the west and south side of the site, finding the few Scots broom and several poison hemlocks that we dug up. I was very glad to see no sign of any homeless camps that had been there previously.

I did see two or three more Scots broom as I was leaving, so will be taking care of those my next visit.

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