Lora Martin

Date of volunteer work: 03/27/2016.
Site Name: Foster Floodplain.
Number of hours worked: 2.25.
Species removed: English ivy.
Estimated percent cover before removal25.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed12(?).

Turned out to be a beautiful day for Easter, at least in the morning! As I swept the area by the old bridge for garbage, I noticed that the thimble berry plants that one of the work parties planted at least a year ago, maybe longer, were thriving.
I had intended to finish off the fence from last month, but got sidetracked pulling English ivy from an area under some pines that I had done last year. The cover was spotty, so I knew it wouldn’t take much to clear most of it out from the area. I can remember from when I lived here, the ground had been totally covered with the ivy in this area by the creek, so it was very satisfying to see how much of it was gone. There was another metal fence here too, so I removed a big portion of it. Much less garbage this month, only a small plastic bag’s worth. I look forward to how much greener it will be next month.

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