Learn to Survey for Lamprey and Steelhead!

Want to learn about wildlife in Johnson Creek? Help Johnson Creek Watershed Council document the distribution of native fish species through Johnson Creek. Biologists from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, lamprey experts from Wisdom of the Elders and the PSU Indigenous Nations Studies Program, and JCWC Staff will provide training and answer any questions. No previous experience is required.

What: Lamprey and Steelhead Survey Orientation

Where: Native American Student and Community Center (710 SW Jackson St, Portland, OR 97201)

When: Tuesday, January 17th, 6pm-8pm

After the orientation, Volunteers will walk selected sections of Johnson Creek in pairs a minimum of two weekends between February 11th and May 13th. Pairs will search for evidence of spawning Pacific Lamprey and Steelhead. Volunteers will survey for two weekends throughout the season. Each survey will take approximately 3 hours to complete. There are also several stationary observation sites, where volunteers can bring binoculars and look for fish sightings from banks or bridges. All waders, poles, life vests, and other necessary equipment are provided.

Sign up today HERE! 

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