Lamprey sightings are swimming in!

Brook lamprey have been spotted -and recorded on video!- building redds in Crystal Springs, near the Reed College campus!

Thanks to the continuing dedication of our Lamprey and Steelhead Surveyors, several sightings of brook lamprey -and possible steelhead redds- have been noted throughout the watershed since early February. Redds are the nests built by fish, where their eggs are safely protected under a layer of rock. Johnson Creek is home to coho and chinook salmon, Pacific and brook lamprey, steelhead, and many other wonderful wildlife species.

Check out the video of busy brook lamprey by clicking HERE!

Questions about Community Science? Email Stay tuned for our summertime projects: Dragonfly and Beaver Surveys!

Overturned rocks make a bright spot in the creek – with algae settled on undisturbed rocks, a light patch is the principal way to spot a redd!






Community Science projects are made possible with funding from East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District and City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services, and partnership with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, City of Gresham, Metro, and CASM Environmental. Thanks to all!

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