Join our Garlic Mustard Task Force!

It’s that time of year again! Johnson Creek Watershed Council needs help with spring garlic mustard removal field work. If you would like to become more familiar with the Johnson Creek watershed and learn essential field skills -including native and invasive plant identification-, this internship is for you!

You’d scarcely think to look twice at it: to all appearances, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) seems an inconspicuous bit of green in a sea of more green. Then time goes by…and it IS the sea of green! This pernicious invasive plant out-competes native species through a combination of its growth pattern (early emergence and large size help it win the competition for light and water) and allelopathy (releasing a substance from its roots that is toxic to native plants—think “chemical warfare”), making it a priority for removal.

Once again this year, JCWC is assembling a “Garlic Mustard Task Force” of Invasive Species Control Interns – read more on the opportunity HERE!

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