Johnson Creek is Hiring!

Application period:        May 16 – May 31, 2017


Title:                                   Restoration Project Manager

Reports to:                         Executive Director

Status:                                30 hours per week, up to 40 hours/week with funding availability

Starting Salary:                  $20-22 / hr, D.O.E.

Benefits:                             Health insurance and dental, paid vacation and sick leave, holidays,

401(k) with 3% employer match


The Johnson Creek Watershed Council is seeking a dynamic, dedicated Restoration Project Manager to plan, develop, and implement watershed restoration projects. The Johnson Creek Watershed Council was founded in 1995 and is supported generously by individuals, businesses and agencies.  The Restoration Project Manager will have the opportunity to work in a team environment with a talented staff, an active board, and a diverse group of volunteers to protect and restore one of the most densely populated watersheds in the state of Oregon.

The Johnson Creek Watershed is located on the east side of the greater Portland metropolitan region. Johnson Creek originates in Clackamas County and flows westward 26 miles to its confluence with the Willamette River in the City of Milwaukie. It provides habitat for threatened coho and chinook salmon, steelhead, cutthroat trout, and two species of lamprey. The Johnson Creek Watershed encompasses about 54 square miles. The drainage basin includes several jurisdictions including Portland, Milwaukie, Happy Valley, Gresham, Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District and the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District.

The Council’s offices are located in Milwaukie, near the southern edge of Portland’s Sellwood neighborhood.   The staff currently consists of an Executive Director, a Volunteer Coordinator, a Riparian Program Manager, a Restoration Project Manager, a Finance & Operations Coordinator, and a Restoration & Outreach Technician (Americorps).  The Restoration Project Manager will work with all staff, but most closely with the Executive Director and the Riparian Program Manager.

The Council’s Action Plan maps out a restoration strategy for the ten year period, 2015-2025.  The Restoration Project Manager will lead the development and implementation of the restoration projects mapped out by this action plan.  Visit for more details.

POSITION SUMMARY: The Restoration Project Manager provides leadership and guidance to the Council’s restoration programs and implements or manages implementation of specific Council restoration projects (other than riparian). (S)he facilitates Council restoration planning processes, which includes coordinating with other restoration entities (jurisdictions, other non-profits) and identifying restoration priorities suitable to the Council’s mission and organizational strengths. (S)he identifies and develops restoration projects to leverage the Council’s strong partnerships as well as its volunteer resources.

Areas of Responsibility (to include but not limited to)

(50%) Project Management – Provides leadership and guidance to the Council’s restoration programs and implements or manages implementation of projects, primarily in the areas of fish passage improvement, stormwater management, monitoring—including community science, and management of watershed data.  Project management duties include managing contractors, tracking project budgets, obtaining permits, writing grant completion reports, procuring project materials and supplies.

Explores and develops strategic partnerships with other restoration entities.  Identifies new projects, developing short- and long-term restoration work plans, and tracking plan implementation.

(20%) Monitoring/Assessment – Coordinates with Inter-Jurisdictional Committee, organizes information so that JCWC is a clearinghouse of watershed data/reports, communicates results and progress through a variety of media. Organizes monitoring efforts, including those conducted by volunteers in our citizen science program. Conducts effectiveness monitoring on completed projects.  Keeps abreast of ecological monitoring efforts in the Johnson Creek Watershed, and incorporating monitoring results into restoration planning.

(10%) Grantwriting / Fund Development.  Works with the Executive Director and other staff to develop fundable project ideas consistent with the Council’s restoration priorities.  Actively researches potential funding sources (public and private).  Develops grant applications, including project and program budgets.

(10%) Communication and Events – Works with other Council staff to develop and produce the annual Watershed Wide Event and Science Symposium.  The Restoration Project Manager contributes to the Council’s quarterly newsletter, monthly email bulletin, and website.  (S)he is encouraged to raise the profile of JCWC’s restoration programs through participation in regional working groups and presentations at professional meetings.

(10%) Adminstration, staff planning, and miscellaneous – Attends and participates in weekly staff meetings.  Writes a monthly staff report for the board of directors.  Attends and participates at the yearly strategic planning retreat with the board and staff.  Fills out timesheets, participates in staff chores (e.g. office cleanup).   Other tasks and responsibilities as assigned.


Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in aquatic ecology, fisheries biology, hydrology, or other watershed science or related field, and at least 3 years related experience.A related master’s degree may substitute for two years of experience, and will enhance the candidate’s competitiveness for this position.
  • Project management experience.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of watershed science and management
  • Self-motivated, resourceful, results-oriented.
  • Ability to multi-task.
  • Willing and able to work some weekends and evenings.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.Ability to work effectively with watershed residents of diverse backgrounds.
  • Professional skills, including work planning, team building, time management and organization.


Desired Qualifications

  • Knowledge and experience with fish passage issues and solutions.
  • Knowledge and experience with stormwater management and solutions.
  • Strong computer skills, including experience with GIS, website, and data management.
  • Knowledge of the Pacific Northwest flora and fauna, both native and non-native.
  • General knowledge of local, state, and federal environmental laws as well as local, state, and federal permitting requirements as they relate to watershed restoration.
  • Grant-writing and grant administration skills and experience.


Transportation Information:

The Restoration Project Manager must have a valid driver’s license, clean driving record, and ability to provide documentation.   Ability and willingness to use own vehicle to travel to work activities is essential (mileage reimbursement is provided by JCWC).  JCWC owns a vehicle, but is shared with other staff members, so is not always available for the Restoration Project Manager’s work activities.  The Restoration Project Manager will be covered on the JCWC’s vehicle insurance policy while driving the company vehicle.

To Apply

Send by email a resume, detailed cover letter that addresses required and desired qualifications, and three references to Daniel Newberry, Executive Director ( ).  Position closes at 4 p.m. Pacific time, Wednesday, May 31, 2017.

If you include attachments, please only use PDF or Microsoft Word format.  No phone calls, please.

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