Introduced Species Control Internship 2024

It’s May and you know what that means: it’s Garlic mustard pulling season! Last month, Noah and Sima posted JCWC’s annual Introduced Species Control Internship opportunity, which focuses on the removal of an introduced (invasive) plant called Garlic mustard, or Alliaria petiolata. This is the time when its tiny white flowers and recognizable leaves spring forth, and make them that much easier to spot. JCWC received an incredible amount of applications and were blown away by folks’ experience and interest in plant management. While it was truly challenging to whittle the applicant pool down to 5 people, Noah and Sima did so and are happy to announce that there is a wonderful cohort this year! Please give a warm welcome to Jessica, Brian, Leah, Lawrence and Bodhi. For the next couple months, this group of interns will be manually removing Garlic mustard from a number of sites around the watershed overrun by Garlic mustard. Stay tuned to hear more about JCWC’s Garlic mustard removal efforts!

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