Johnson Creek Interjurisdictional Committee

What is the IJC?

The Johnson Creek Interjurisdictional Committee (IJC) is a collaborative group of scientists from the numerous agencies that operate within the Johnson Creek Watershed.  They meet monthly to collaborate on issues of watershed health and restoration, keeping each other updated on projects, sharing results, and strategizing for the future. Participating agencies include the Johnson Creek Watershed Council; Multnomah County; Clackamas Water Environment Services; the Cities of Gresham, Portland, and Milwaukie; Metro; the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); Oregon Department of Environmental Quality; and the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District (EMSWCD). All organizations with an interest in Johnson Creek are welcome to participate.


The Johnson Creek Resources Management Plan, published in May 1995, indicated a clear need for regular coordination among jurisdictions in the Johnson Creek Watershed. Many agencies do monitoring and restoration here, so collaboration is key to improving water quality. This need was further emphasized at Johnson Creek Watershed Summits, which were held in 1998, 1999, and 2000, bringing together residents, businesses, agencies, and elected officials with jurisdiction or interest in the Johnson Creek Watershed.  Recommendations from participants at the Johnson Creek Summits stated a clear need to “improve partnerships and link existing efforts working in the watershed” and “bring in additional federal, state, and private funding for improving watershed health.”

To provide that coordination and consistency, staff from each of the counties and cities involved formed the IJC in 1999. The IJC continues to work together to comprehensively address important issues within the watershed.

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