Johnson Creek Science Library

Welcome to the Johnson Creek Science Library, our trove of scientific documents related to Johnson Creek. If you know of a missing document, or are starting new research, please contact daniel@jcwc.orgwe can help connect researchers to resources. In the table below, you can click row headings to quickly sort, use the search box, or click here for a list including all author names. Happy researching!

Lead Author or AgencyYearTitleDoc TypeKeywords
Carey, Michael P. et al.2012Native invaders – challenges for science, management, policy, and societyScientificinvasive species
Chin, A. et al.2012The significance of perceptions and feedbacks for effectively managing wood in riversScientificwood, large woody debris, bank erosion, flooding
Clark, J. L. 1999Effects of urbanization on streamflow in three basins in the Pacific NorthwestScientificflow
Dalton, Meghan M. et al.2013Climate change in the Northwest: Implications for our landscapes, waters, and communitiesScientificclimate change
East Multnomah SWCD2016Nursery Growers Research Study Report of FindingsSocialnursery, agriculture
East Multnomah SWCD2011Community‐based Freshwater Mussel SurveysScientificmussels, community science
EcotrustOregon’s Restoration Economy: Investing in natural assets for the benefit of communities and salmonBrochuresalmon, restoration
Folger, L.1998The effects of growth and development in "Eden": The emergence of GreshamHistoryurban development, Gresham
Gresham, City of2005Johnson Creek Basin Stormwater Master Plan including Springwater and Pleasant Valley AreasPlanningstormwater, Gresham
Gresham, City of2011Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)Planningstormwater, NPDES, MS4, MEP
Gresham Community & Econ. Dev. Dept2004Pleasant Valley Natural Resources Protection PlanPlanningGoal 5, Comprehensive Plan, development
Gresham Environmental Services1995Stormwater Master Plan for Johnson Creek BasinsPlanningstormwater
Gresham Environmental Services2001NPDES Stormwater Management PlanPlanningstormwater
Gresham Environmental Services2002Water Quality Data Assessment ProjectScientificwater quality
Gresham Environmental Services2012Watershed-Wide Temperature Assessment Of Johnson CreekScientifictemperature
Holzer, Katie A.2014Amphibian use of constructed and remnant wetlands in an urban landscapeScientificamphibians, wetlands
Holzer, Katie A.2020Effects of Inline Ponds on Stream Temperatures in the Johnson Creek WatershedScientifictemperature, water quality
Huang, Theresa et al.2017Weighted site selection for green infrastructure in Portland’s Johnson Creek WatershedPosterstormwater, flooding, green infrastructure
Intertwine Alliance, The2012Regional Conservation Strategy for the Greater Portland­ Vancouver RegionPlanning
JCWC2016Community-based Dragonfly and Damselfly Monitoring in Johnson Creek WatershedScientificdragonfly, damselfly, odonate, migration, Westmoreland Park, Brookside Park, volunteer
JCWC2005Johnson Creek Legacy Pesticide Study: Source Investigation of Legacy Pesticides in the Upper Johnson Creek Watershed, Technical Report.Scientificpesticides
JCWC2016Community-Based Dragonfly and Damselfly MonitoringPostercommunity science, dragonfly, Westmoreland Park, Brookside Park
JCWC2015Final Report: Johnson Creek Watershed Fish Passage Assessment & Project PrioritizationScientificfish passage, culverts, dams
JCWC2013Riparian Reforestation StrategyPlanningriparian, reforestation, restoration, shade
JCWC2014Fish Passage Barriers in Johnson Creek, Portland, OregonPosterfish passage
JCWC2014Bacteria Source Tracking in Johnson Creek and Major TributariesScientificbacteria
JCWC2015Johnson Creek Water Quality 2009-to-2014Scientificwater quality, temperature, metals, E. Coli, macroinvertebrates, fish
JCWC2014Johnson Creek Monitoring StrategyPlanningwater quality, monitoring
JCWC2002Johnson Creek Watershed Action Plan: An Adaptive ApproachPlanningaction plan, water quality
JCWC2005Johnson Creek Legacy Pesticide Study 2003-2005ScientificDDT, dieldrin, bacteria, temperature, TMDL, pesticides
JCWC2007Johnson Creek Watershed Population Density (by 2000 Census Block Group)Socialpopulation
JCWC2006Johnson Creek Pesticide Investigation - Continuous Turbidity Measurements Technical MemorandumScientificpesticides, turbidity
JCWC2014Johnson Creek Watershed Freshwater Mussel Surveys 2010-2013Scientificmussel, community science
Johnson Creek Corridor Committee1994Johnson Creek and its Watershed ‐ A ProfileScientific
Johnson Creek Corridor Committee1995Johnson Creek Resources Management PlanPlanning
Johnson Creek Corridor Committee1992Johnson Creek Vision ‐ A look at the future of the Johnson Creek WatershedPlanningwatershed
Johnson Creek Partnership2012Johnson Creek Acquisition Strategy: Investing in a Natural Area NetworkPlanningland acquisition, eminent domain, Urban Growth Boundary
Metro2013Intertwine trail use snapshot: An analysis of National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project data from 2008 to 2012Planningtrail, bicycle, pedestrian
Moomaw-Nerf, Cindy2013Demographics in the Johnson Creek Watershed in Portland, OregonMapdemographics, population
Mount Hood Community College2017Nature’s Architect: North American beaver (Castor canadensis) presence in the mid reaches of Johnson Creek.Scientificbeavers, beaver dams
Mult. Co. Transportation Division2012Preliminary Results for Upper Johnson Creek Fish SurveysScientificfish, coho, steelhead, Chinook
Mult. Co. Water Quality Program2012Fish Species Composition, Distribution, and Biotic Integrity in Johnson Creek, a Tributary to the Willamette River in Multnomah County, OregonScientificFish species, Index of Biotic Integrity, IBI, TMDL, temperatures
Mult. Co. Water Quality Program2013Multnomah County Fish Passage AssessmentScientificfish passage
ODFW2009Abundance and Distribution of Fish Species in City of Portland Streams, 2008­-2009 SurveysScientificfish
ODFW2003Abundance and Distribution of Fish in City of Portland Streams, 2001-­03, Vol. 1Scientificfish
ODFW2002Distribution of Fish in Portland Tributary StreamsScientificfish
ODFW1999Aquatic Inventories Project Physical Habitat Surveys- Johnson Creek and Tributaries Lower Willamette BasinScientifichabitat
ODFW2002Oregon Lampreys: Natural History Status And Analysis of Management IssuesScientificlampreys
ODFW2009Abundance and distribution of fish species in City of Portland streams: Completion Report 2009Scientificfish
ODFW2003Abundance and Distribution of Fish in City of Portland Streams: Final Report 2001-03, Vol. 2 - Supplemental MapsScientificfish
Oregon Dept Agriculture2015Lower Willamette Agricultural Water Quality Management Area PlanPlanningagriculture, water quality
Oregon Dept Agriculture2017Lower Willamette Agricultural Water Quality Management Area PlanPlanningwater quality
Oregon DEQ1975Water Quality in Johnson Creek 1970-75Scientificwater quality
Oregon DEQ2017Lower Willamette Subbasin: DEQ’s Water Quality Status and Trends Analysis for the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s Biennial Review of the Agriculture Area Rules and PlansScientificwater quality
Oregon DEQ2006Lower Willamette Subbasin TMDLScientifictemperature, toxics, bacteria, TMDL
Outer SE Business Coalition1997Lents Revitalization PlanPlanningLents
Portland, City of2002Priority Watershed Problems and Solutions: Lower Willamette River and Johnson CreekScientific
Portland, City of2001Crystal Springs Creek Fish and Wildlife Habitat AssessmentScientificfish, habitat, Crystal Springs
Portland, City of2002Assessment of Habitat Potential in Johnson Creek for Coho and Chinook SalmonScientifichabitat, coho, Chinook
Portland BES2009Effect of stream restoration on the habitat potential of Johnson Creek, Portland, Oregon, for coho, fall Chinook, and winter steelheadScientificflooding, water quality, salmon, steelhead, stormwater, restoration
Portland BES1991Johnson Creek Resources Management Program Abstract of Previous WorkScientific
Portland BES1998Calibration Update: Johnson Creek Flood Hydrograph and Flood Profile ModelsScientificflooding
Portland BES2001Johnson Creek Restoration PlanPlanningrestoration
Portland BES2002Baseline Environmental Conditions in Johnson CreekScientific
Portland BES2005Actions for Watershed Health: 2005 Portland watershed management planPlanning
Portland BES2005Johnson Creek Watershed CharacterizationScientific
Portland BES2016PAWMAP Executive Summary - Findings from the first two yearsScientificwater quality
Portland BES1998Background Report - Floodplain Management in the Johnson Creek Watershed - Proposed City Code AmendmentsPlanningflooding, floodplain
Portland BES2011Johnson Creek Salmonid Potential with Future Urban Development, Climate Change and Restoration: 2009-2040sScientificsalmon, climate change, restoration
Portland BES1998Final Crystal Springs Watershed AssessmentScientificCrystal Springs
Portland BES1994Technical Memorandum No. 16: A Limiting Factor Analysis for Anadromous Salmonids in Johnson Creek with a Discussion of Habitat Rehabilitation Opportunities and ConstraintsScientificsalmon, trout
Portland BES1994Technical Memorandum No. 8: Summary of Existing Fish Population and Fish Habitat Data for Johnson CreekScientificfish, fish population, habitat
Portland BES2010Status and trends of salmonid potential in Johnson Creek 2000‐2009Scientificfish, salmon, trout
Portland BES2002Alsop-Brownwood Flood Mitigation and Restoration Project #6908 Phase I Design Technical MemorandumPlanningAlsop-Brownwood, flooding
Portland BES2001Johnson Creek Land Acquisition Partnership and Implementation StrategyPlanningflooding
Portland BES2001Kelley Creek Watershed Stream Habitat Assessment. Johnson Creek Watershed ProgramScientificKelley Creek, habitat
Portland BES2014Citywide Invasive Plant Management and Natural Areas Restoration: Annual Report 2013-14Scientificinvasive, restoration
Portland BES2002Lents 2040 Technical Memorandum 1 - Background, Existing Conditions, and Design Consideration for Flood Management in the Lents 2040 AreaPlanningLents, flooding
Portland Bureau of Planning1998Flood Management Amendments to the Johnson Creek Basin Plan DistrictPlanningflooding
Portland Bureau of Planning1998Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood PlanPlanningSellwood-Moreland
Portland Bureau of Planning2001Inventory of Significant Riparian and Wetland Resources: Johnson Creek Basin Resource SitesPlanning
Portland Bureau of Planning1997Boring Lava Domes: Supplement to the Johnson Creek Basin Protection PlanPlanningBoring
Portland Bureau of Planning1991Johnson Creek Basin Protection PlanPlanning
Portland Bureau of Planning1995Revisions to the ESEE Analysis for the Johnson Creek Basin Protection PlanPlanning
Portland Bureau of Planning1996Outer Southeast Community PlanPlanning
Portland Bureau of Planning1998Johnson Creek Watershed: Summaries of Resource Site InventoriesPlanning
Portland ESA Program2003Draft Executive Summary: Johnson Creek Habitat Assessment ProjectScientificendangered species
Portland ESA Program2001Bioassessment of Urban Streams (Johnson Creek and Tryon Creek), Portland, OregonScientificendangered species
Portland Mult. Progress Board2000Salmon Restoration in an Urban Watershed: Conditions, Programs and ChallengesPlanningrestoration, salmon, temperature, TMDL, endangered species
Resource Innovation Group2011Building Climate Resiliency in the Lower Willamette Region of Western Oregonclimate change, population
Sahatjian, Brittany2013Modeling Effective Shade to Prioritize Riparian Restoration Efforts in the Johnson Creek WatershedPlanningriparian, restoration, modeling
Scholz, N. L. et al.2004Impacts of stormwater runoff on coho salmon in restored urban streamsScientificstormwater, coho
Sonoda, K.2002Watershed Sources of Nutrient Input to an Urbanizing StreamScientificnutrients, runoff, nonpoint source pollution
U.S. Geological Survey1996Occurrence of Selected Trace Elements and Organic Compounds and Their Relation to Land Use in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, 1992-94Scientifictrace elements, organic compounds
U.S. Geological Survey2010Hydrology of Johnson Creek basin, a mixed-use drainage basin in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan areaScientifichydrology
U.S. Geological Survey1994Assessment of surface-water quality and water quality control alternatives, Johnson Creek Basin, OregonScientificmetals, dieldrin, DDT, nitrates, pesticides, wetlands
U.S. Geological Survey1992Water quality and flow data for the Johnson Creek Basin, Oregon, April 1988 - January 1990Scientificwater quality, sediment, temperature, bacteria, flow
U.S. Geological Survey1995Analytical data from phases I and II of the Willamette River Basin water quality study, Oregon, 1992-94Scientificwater quality
U.S. Geological Survey2016Evaluation of Flood Inundation in Crystal Springs Creek, Portland, OregonScientificflooding
U.S. Geological Survey2011Suspended-Sediment Budget for the Johnson Creek Basin, Oregon, Water Years 2007-2010Scientificsediment, turbidity
U.S. Geological Survey2016Development of a CE-QUAL-W2 temperature model for Crystal Springs Lake, Portland, OregonScientificwater temperature
U.S. Geological Survey1993Preliminary evaluation of water-quality conditions of Johnson Creek, OregonScientificwater quality, metals, sediment, nutrients
U.S. Geological Survey2004Organochlorine pesticides in the Johnson Creek Basin, Oregon, 1988–2002Scientificorganochlorine, pesticides
U.S. Geological Survey 2009Hydrology of the Johnson Creek basin, OregonScientifichydrology
U.S. Geological Survey 2002Estimates of Ground­water Recharge, Base Flow, and Stream Reach Gains and Losses in the Willamette River Basin, OregonScientificgroundwater, hydrology
U.S. Geological Survey 1999Investigation of the distribution of organochlorine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds in the lower Columbia River using semipermeable membrane devicesScientifictoxins, organochlorine, pesticides, PAH, water quality
U.S. Geological Survey 2008Estimated depth to ground water and configuration of the water table in the Portland, Oregon areaScientificgroundwater
U.S. Geological Survey 2014Water levels at the 0.01 annual exceedance probability at the Glenwood Street and Bybee Boulevard crossings of Crystal Springs Creek, Portland, OregonScientificflow, hydrology
U.S. Geological Survey 1980Storm Runoff As Related To Urbanization in the Portland, Oregon, Vancouver, Washington AreaScientificstormwater
USGS2017Developing Flood-Inundation Maps for Johnson Creek, Portland, OregonScientificflood, flooding
Walker, C. E.2001Changes in diatom species assemblages along an urban-­to-­rural GradientScientificdiatoms
Walker, Christopher E. et al.2006Using diatom assemblages to assess urban stream conditions.Scientificdiatoms
White, Nate et al.2017Identifying Floodwater Storage along Johnson CreekScientificfloodwater
Woodward-Clyde Consultants1994Potential Sources of Water Quality Pollutants in Johnson Creek. Watershed Resources Management Plan Technical Memorandum No. 5Planningwater quality
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