Holcomb Creek
Large Wood & Riparian Enhancement Lat-long: 45.356, -122.559
Expected Outcomes
Large wood will be strategically placed in the channel to create and maintain complex instream habitat (pools, spawning substrate). In-channel wood will also aid in preventing channel incision and loss of connectivity to the stream’s floodplain. The project also involves treatment of invasive blackberry adjacent to the Holcomb Creek channel. Vegetation planted in the treated riparian area should be managed/maintained a minimum of two years or until established and free to grow. The project reach is directly upstream of Redland Road where a fish barrier culvert was replaced by Clackamas County several years ago. Holcomb Creek is an important cool water tributary in the lower Abernethy Creek watershed and provides high quality spawning gravels, however a lack of large wood has been noted along the reach proposed for restoration.
September 2023
Instream work was completed at the end of last summer and was highly successful! Photo monitoring will continue each year for two years, according to OWEB protocol, but post-project photos already show the wood placement has increased the amount of gravel available for spawning salmon.