Sunnyside Environmental Middle School Builds Relationship with Errol Heights Park
Since September 2024, JCWC and Portland Parks and Recreation have worked with Sunnyside Environmental Middle School to offer students a chance to build a relationship with the land at Errol […]
Mitchell Creek–Taking a Tributary’s Temperature
Long-time readers of JCWC’s publications (both print and online) might remember a project the Council completed several years ago on property owned by the Centennial School District in Pleasant Valley. […]
What’s That Plant?
This month’s featured native: Willamette Valley Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. benthamiana) Ponderosa pine is commonly thought of as one of the major tree species found east of the Cascades, […]
What’s That Plant?
This month’s featured native: Coast silktassel (Garrya elliptica) As the common name implies, this month’s featured plant is native to the Pacific coast (and the Coast Range); it is found […]
Bird Flu in Johnson Creek
During some times of the year across Johnson Creek, backyard bird watchers take their bird feeders indoors to help reduce the transmission of illness between our avian neighbors. A single […]