Board Service

We’re a highly collaborative and supportive Board. We recently completed strategic planning that includes equity and inclusion at every level.

JCWC Board, February, 2024: l to r: Kathy Dang, Denise Lopez, Tamra Dickinson, Marianne Colgrove, Jacob Neal, Damon Schrosk, Shirley Craddick, Andrew Swanson, Katie Holzer (missing: Tim Crawley, Roy Iwai)

Volunteer Board Members

We welcome new Board members to guide our work in the spirit of community. This Board recruitment process is an exciting time for our organization! We recognize that a healthy and biodiverse watershed is only possible when supported by a diversity of individuals and communities working together.

Ideal candidates will complement the strengths of the existing Directors and will be integral to achieving the goals outlined in our  Strategic Plan.

We seek individuals with:

  1. Dedication to an equitable, diverse and inclusive future within the watershed. We especially seek Individuals with demonstrated commitment, experience and training in these areas.
  2. A passion about preserving nature and helping the communities connect with and appreciate natural areas in the watershed.
  3. An array of experiences and skills, especially in areas such as real estate to help the council locate a permanent office facility; media and communications; and/or fundraising.
  4. Community connections throughout the watershed, especially upper watershed residents and landowners; Black, Indigenous and Persons of Color (BIPOC); culturally diverse communities; agriculture; and the business community.

How the Board works:

The JCWC Board of Directors consists of approximately ten voting volunteer Directors and five non-voting Jurisdictional Representatives. The full Board of Directors meets six to eight times a year.  One of the meetings is a full day retreat.  Directors serve up to four two-year terms.  Directors serve in a volunteer capacity and do not receive financial compensation.

Every year the following officers are elected from among board members:  Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Committees are also created and meet as needed. Each Director is expected to serve on at least two committees.  Current committees include Executive, Fundraising, Land Use, Governance, Real Estate, Community Inclusion, Interjurisdictional, Outreach, and Facilities.

In addition to Board meetings and committee work, Directors assist in fundraising efforts, attend key council events, and on occasion may work on special projects.  A reasonable estimate of the time commitment to serve on the Board is approximately sixty hours per year.

Our Board of Directors

Our Board brings enormous talent and energy to the operations and management of the Johnson Creek Watershed Council. They represent diverse interests in the watershed, as well as our jurisdictional partners.

Council Information

Johnson Creek Watershed Council (JCWC) is an environmental nonprofit established in 1995 by community members committed to restoring Johnson Creek, a vibrant creek with many challenges. Our mission is to promote restoration and stewardship of a healthy Johnson Creek Watershed through sound science and community engagement. The JCWC community is large and diverse. In 2017, our community volunteers signed up nearly 2,400 times, giving more than 10,000 hours of their time and planted almost 25,000 native trees and shrubs thanks to their commitment.

The Council has eight full and part time staff positions, led by an Executive Director who reports to the Board of Directors.  Our annual operating budget varies depending on the number and size of construction projects, but is currently more than $1M.

Activities and programs we use to reach our goals include:

Restoring and replanting wetlands and streamside forestsRemoving fish passage barriers
Hosting trash clean-upsMonitoring stream health
Supporting research projectsEnhancing stream habitat by adding large wood
Coordinating wildlife surveys and eco-blitzesProducing Science Talks & family events and a Science Symposium
Hosting bilingual nature eventsDepaving parking lots and planting rain gardens

Volunteer Committee Members

Members of the community also are welcome to serve on our Board Committees. These roles do not function in organizational governance, but they are vital to our work. Current committees includeFundraising, Land Use, Governance, Real Estate, Community Inclusion, Interjurisdictional, Outreach, and Facilities.

Please contact us!

How to Apply:

Please contact the current Board Chair, Jacob Neal, at  to discuss your interest.  Please send the information below and we’ll set up a time to meet and discuss your experience and interests further. Informational interviews will be reviewed throughout the course of the year with current Board Members, and we will extend invitations to join once the Board approves.

Please let us know:

  1. You name, address, and your best contact phone number.
  2. What has been your relationship with the Council to date?
  3. Why do you want to serve on the Board?
  4. What experience do you have working with communities of color and/or historically underserved communities?
  5. What do you hope to get from Board service?
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