Help Raise Stormwater Awareness in Gresham: Mark Storm Drains in September

The City of Gresham encompasses a third of the Johnson Creek Watershed. Coho salmon have been found in sections of the stream in Gresham and supporting the city’s water quality programs is important for Johnson Creek.

Volunteers are needed in Gresham during the month of September to walk high priority protection areas of the city in commercial areas and neighborhoods to adhere “Dump No Waste—Drains to Stream” markers onto curbsides.

Whether you’d like to help for a couple hours on one day (of your choosing) or many more, this is a great way to contribute to the Johnson Creek community’s education and awareness about storm water.

The City of Gresham will provide each volunteer a map of the area for marking and backpacks with markers, glue, gloves, and safety vests. Maps can be tailored to focus on areas that volunteers are interested in, such as their own neighborhood or local business area.

If you are interested in assisting the water quality protection program for local streams, please contact Keri Handaly at 503‐618‐2657 or

Download a copy of this job description (PDF)

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