Hanna Heddy

Date of volunteer work: 05/28/2018.
Site Name: Powell Butte.
Number of hours worked: 2.5.
Field notes:

We entered from SE Holgate Blvd, where we saw graffiti on the back of the big wooden signboard, and followed Holgate Lane. The Holgate Lane water pipeline was well tagged with graffiti, and there was a shopping cart a little ways down a gravel ravine to the left. The sign at the bottom of Elderberry stairs also had graffiti on it (see pictures). At the top of the stairs we followed Meadowland Lane to the mountain finder viewpoint at the top.

As far as wildlife, we saw horse poop, spittlebug spit, butterflies, bumblebees, and a few cinnabar moths.

Native flowering plants that were in bloom were: Roses, Thimbleberries, Candy Flower, Daisies, Purple Foxglove, Queen Anne’s Lace, Broadleaf Lupine, Sweet Peas and Vetches, and Meadow Checker-mallow.

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